Prayer & Praise


Our family has been hit recently with may sicknesses. Please add to your prayers..

My Uncle – mild stroke
My Aunt – Endometrial cancer
My wife’s mom- breast cancer
My wife’s (step) dad- muscular deterioration in his legs.



Please pray for our sister. She has had a recurrence
of cancer and will be undergoing surgery June 3.
Thank you all prayer warriors.

Dear prayer warriors,

This seems to be becoming a daily habit for me, but thank-you for the sweet sacrifice of prayer for my mother. There is another complication that developed today. This morning she had severe pain in her abdomen. A cat scan revealed that her liver may be involved. She does have a condition that is the hardening of the arteries of the liver. They have asked her liver doctor to compare these results to her scans in the past. She is scared, but still in good spirits. She asked the hospital priest to give her the sacrament of the healing of the sick. She said that she had it once before and it worked. we should know more tomorrow.

Vine Life Ultreya

Blessings to all:

Vine Life Ultreya
Saturday, May 28th
5:30 gather
6:00 Dish to Pass

We had a wonderful crowd in April, over 30, when Paul Winkleman gave his talk on Peace. It was wonderful and we are blessed to have him as part of our Closer Walk community.
The week ends were great and I want to thank all who supported Bonnie McDougal, it was wonderful and the Closer Walks 93 were very successful.
On Sat. June 25th we will be having Carol and Peter Loveland come to talk about their latest mission trip to Haiti. Carol is collecting 4 hole buttons for some projects for the kids at the Haiti school. As long as we have a little time before their coming, get out your button boxes and bring your extra buttons. Also, Peter has agreed to do an agape feast for us. This should be a great meeting.

Bring your Dish to Pass, Song Books, and NAME TAGs as we might have a few new people from the weekends.


Charlotte and George Stanton

Don’t Forget to Register

Be sure and register as a user on this site. You can register here.

Comments are only allowed for registered users and coming soon there will be a member directory and other features available only to registered users. Only those who have previously completed a Closer Walk, Walk to Emmaus, Koinonia or similar weekend will be allowed to register.

Also don’t forget to tell your friends about the new Closer Walk of Upper New York website!

Prayer & Praise

This prayer comes from a lady, who works @ the Kairos Prison Ministries, (KPMI) in Winter Park, Florida. Please add this to the prayer chain. Thank you,

God Bless,

Blessings to All

I am forwarding this email I received from a woman who works at KPMI. Please forward this to your members asking them to pray for this pastor.

Thank you and God Bless



I would like to ask if you can pray for my grandson’s other grandmother.  She is having brain surgery to stop her aneurysm issues.  We found out last night her kidneys are really weak and that they also have to go in her heart

Can you please pray that her surgery goes well tomorrow morning and she has a full recovery!  This is her 3rd surgery!




Please keep praying for my mother. She has been denied rehab because the cost of her i.v. antibiotics for the staph infection is too high. She will now be sent home. My 82 year old father will be responsible for administering the medicine. A nurse will stop in once a day for the first couple of weeks. She has to have the i.v. antibiotics for 6 weeks. My parents will have to pay for the medicine, which is $55 a day. I am angry at the system and worried about mom. She is very discouraged. She said that she has been praying, but God is being silent. Please pray that her hope is renewed and the my family will deal with this wisely.