Prayer & Praise


Our family has been hit recently with may sicknesses. Please add to your prayers..

My Uncle – mild stroke
My Aunt – Endometrial cancer
My wife’s mom- breast cancer
My wife’s (step) dad- muscular deterioration in his legs.



Please pray for our sister. She has had a recurrence
of cancer and will be undergoing surgery June 3.
Thank you all prayer warriors.

Dear prayer warriors,

This seems to be becoming a daily habit for me, but thank-you for the sweet sacrifice of prayer for my mother. There is another complication that developed today. This morning she had severe pain in her abdomen. A cat scan revealed that her liver may be involved. She does have a condition that is the hardening of the arteries of the liver. They have asked her liver doctor to compare these results to her scans in the past. She is scared, but still in good spirits. She asked the hospital priest to give her the sacrament of the healing of the sick. She said that she had it once before and it worked. we should know more tomorrow.