Prayers & Praises

Dear friends,

Praise the Lord for a unique opportunity that presented itself this
morning! Please hold our family up in prayer as we seek His will. 🙂

Also, today I thank God for the healing He completed on this day last
year…and I celebrate that my final cancer treatment on June 21, 2011 has
so far resulted in complete victory over lymphoma! Much love and
gratitude to everyone who supported our family throughout a very
challenging time. 🙂

Prayer Warriors please come together in a powerful way in prayer for the man who was injured cutting down the tree at our house. he has taken a turn for the worst. He now has an infection in the site of the wound. May God’s healing touch fall down upon him…

Please keep our friend, in your prayers. His wife, passed away this evening. She was the one we have been praying for that was suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease. She is no longer suffering and has gone Home. Pray for those she has left behind.