Prayers & Praises

There is a young man in our town that comes to church at least 3 times a month by himself. His family, to my knowledge, is completely un-churched and there is no dad in the picture right now. I don’t know all the details, but I know that for several years he has dealt with some mental issues and some anger management problems. He is 14 years old and attends a facility in our neck of the woods for his schooling. His mom has contacted us to let us know that on Sunday “he really reached out for help” and has been placed in the psychiatric ward. This young man is in desperate need of our prayers. My husband tried to spend some time with him and took him to work several times with him. I have taken him with me on the hour drive to take my grandchildren home to the city on Sunday’s. He is desperate for love and attention. I don’t know specifically what he did, but it doesn’t matter, God knows. I would appreciate prayers for him and his mom as they work through this.

Here are two prayer concerns for the prayer chain. a friend  is one. He is having medical tests today and needs our prayers. The other is for the family of a friend whose mom has passed away. He was active in the Emmaus movement. a friend is recovering very well and that is a praise to God.
Update on my friend who was in a bicycle/vehicle accident recently while visiting her daughter and new son-in-law. Surgery went well and she is doing good. Thank you so much for the prayers.
She will be traveling back home in about a week. Continued prayers as she moves
into a different cast as she heals and travel mercies for her return home.
Her daughter will be driving her home and then returning to as she will
not be able to drive herself for awhile.