Prayer & Praise

My brother is in hospital with cellulitus and now has mersa infection on his back. They are going to do surgery to drain infection. Please pray for recovery. He isn’t responding to drug treatment. Is in isolation so he is limited to visitors. Thank you prayer warriors. God bless.

I am passing these requests from my sister on to those who have prayer chain connections so that we can lift these folks up with many voices.  Our God is so incredible and He knows our needs long before we do.  He told us to pray without ceasing and so I am adding to your lists as you pray.  Thank you good and faithful Prayer Warriors!


Good evening-
It was good to have the our friends back in the congregation again- welcome back from the south!  A friend passed away on Friday.  Prayers for her and her family to deal with yet another loss.  Her brother has been given 2 months to live from throat cancer.

Prayers have been requested for a friend – he has cancer in his lymph glands.

Prayers for a friend who is dealing with shortness of breath that needs to be corrected before other problems can be addressed.

A friend  is suffering with his arthritis today.

Prayers for the inhabitants of Alabama, and other states in the south, Japan and the middle east who are  suffering from devastation we can only imagine.

Protection asked for our service men and women around the world.  And we praise you for servicemen who recently retired after many years in the Army

Continued prayers for a friend

Lord we lift up all these concerns to You- You are the healer of all things seen and unseen.  You are the source of our strength that is renewed daily.  You are the one that showers love upon us when we aren’t lovable and give us hope where there is none to be found.  we praise you for life and the love of our family and friends-  You are an awesome Lord.  Amen

love ya