Prayer & Praise

My son-in-law, has been admitted to an ICU with kidney and heart failure. He is 50 years old, and has “coded” 3 times in the past 24 hours, now on life support. Please keep him, my daughter, and his son, in your prayers.
De Colores!

My granddaughter is 19 wks pregnant. I went to her app’t with her today for an ultra sound. She was given some very defastating news. I ask for her, her unborn child and the entire family to get us through this difficult time
Thank You

Please place my brother on the prayer chain.  His cancer (stomach/esophogeal) is aggressive and they have discovered cancer in his neck lymph nodes….God’s will be done. We pray for strength to carry it out, whatever it may be and for presererance for the next round of “whatever.”
Thank you all, brothers and sisters in Christ.