Prayer & Praise

Our dear Friend had ovarian cancer 7 years ago. The doctors found it when she was pregnant for her daughter. After delivery she began treatments etc. They told her when she was 5 years out with no recurrance, she’d be cancer free. It has been 7 yrs. But now it has returned. Please pray for healing for her and that her 3 children and her husband can support her and be supported by the community.

Please pray for a friend who has had knee surgery and still experiencing a lot of pain. And, please pray for her granddaughter who is going through a lot of teen turmoil.
Thank you.
Just got word from our friends. She shared with us she just got word they are transporting him to Hosital with heart problems. We pray for the Drs. to find out what is going on. We pray for comfort and strength for both and ask for healing for him. We also ask for prayers for our grandaughter for direction in her life. We pray for protection over her and her children.