Upcoming Ultreyas

Vine Life Ultreya
5:30 gather and 6:00 Dish to Pass

Please join us for Singing, praise, prayer and communion.
This will be an AGAPE night. We have come up with a few ideas for agape for the weekends.If you have any ideas please let me know. Your help is needed.
Also, if you have any chickens knit, please let me know as we are running very low on the amount in our supply.
I can do all things through the Lord who gives me strength. Php. 4:13
Charlotte Stanton

Happy New Year!

Our first gathering of the New Year will be Sunday, January 29, 6:00 PM at the Potsdam United Methodist Church, 26 Main Street, Potsdam, NY. We will be having a dish-to-pass meal together so please bring something to share and your own table service. Rev. Dave Piatt and Jenni Piatt will be serving Holy Communion to those gathered. Please bring your songbooks, joys and prayer requests, and your love of the Lord! A program is planned.

If you sponsored a candidate for any recent weekend please bring them to the meeting. We look forward to getting to know them and including them in our fellowship group.

See you soon!
Glenda Schuessler, WTE #2

The Damascus Road Ultreya will be meeting this Friday january 27th at the Fabius community Center on route 80 in Fabius NY. we start at 6:30pm with a dish to pass. we will be discussing some business that is brought to us from Secretariat, asking for names for nominations for rector/rectora for the fall weekends and start palanca for the spring weekends,which are in april and may. all on their 4th day are welcome. God bless, laura brown, ultreya leader