Prayer & Praise

Please pray for a young man with Muscular Dystrophy. He was admitted to the hospital today with severe dehydration and pneumonia. The Muscular Dystrophy is winning. He needs a feeding tube but so far has refused and both he and his wife need the support of Hospice but he has refused that so far too. He is very scared and has never known the peace that comes from knowing Jesus. Our prayers are powerful and God always hears us.


a friend had a heart attack today. Please pray for her and for her family. Lord, we lift her to you. In Jesus name we call upon You to intervene. You are the Great Physician…You need no x-rays, no diagnostic tests…You know exactly what is happening inside to create this situation, so we ask you to pass on that info to the medical staff who work with her, work through their hands and minds to diagnose and heal. Thank you Lord, for touching each member of the family, for sending angels and earthly angels to comfort and calm them. Thank You Lord for all You are about to do in their lives. We love you and thank you in Jesus name. Thank You Prayer Warriors!


We are requesting prayers for a friend. She was scheduled for a hip operation but because of some blood conditions the operation has been postponed. We asking for your fervant prayers for her.


Hello prayer warriors. We are asking for prayers for our great grandson who is 9 months old and has been diagnosed with some form of Cerebral palsy. More tests are in the works to see to what extent. His mom, dad and sister also need prayers, God knows their need.


We give Praise and thanks for my wife’s recent Gall Bladder surdery. The out patient surgery went well and she has been able to handle the discomfort and recovery. For days following her throat was very sore and she was in a lot of pain.. On her follow up with the surgeon, she was sent to and specialist. Shirley was told that Unfortunately she developed a viral infection, and that the viral infection may have been caused by the body’s reaction to the surgery. She was put on some strong antibiotics for the viral infection. The past few days has been feeling a little better. Update on our friend. After his lung surgery he was released home. During the next several days he found the pain to much and was re-admitted. He was in about week and half and released. He is feeling much better. He currently has not had to use his oxygen. Praised God ! Has been going for daily walks and shares that he feels much better. He has been able to manage his pain with out the use of narcotics. Our son in law in who had emergency Appenix surgery a few days before my wife’s surgery had been released. A couple days later he was taken back to the hospital due to the pain. It was determined that he had a bad infection that leaked into his system. He was in the hospital for almost a week. They sent him home with a draining tube in his back. They also found some blood clots in his stomach. He is schedule to see the Dr this week to see what they determine. Please keep him in your prayers and our daughter. He has been out of work during this time. Not sure when he will be going back. He also does not have health insurance and they are starting the get the medical bills, which are large. We pray that God will help provide a way for them. We are sure that all this is adding much stress to deal with, as he trys to recover. Our friend is doing well with her surgery recovery, with positive results. We pray for comfort and strength as she begins her treat plan. Thank you again for all your prayers


Pastor has ended up back in the hospital due to an infection that will not heal. He will be having surgery today. Please wrap him and his loved ones in prayer.