Raquette Valley Ultreya

Psalm 136:1 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, His love endures forever”.

Please come together on Sunday evening, November 27, 6:30 P.M. at the Potsdam United Methodist Church for the Racquette Valley Ultreya meeting. Bring your songbooks as we’ll sing for a bit, be prepared to welcome new cursilliastas, share your joys and concerns. Rev. Beth Benham will celebrate Holy Communion with us. We will also set meeting dates for Winter/Spring 2012 and have time for making lanyards and decorating placemats.

May you have time this week to reflect on God’s blessings to you and to consider the meaning of Advent as Sunday begins this season of our lives.

Please check the Closer Walk website for information on how to cast your vote for a new Lay Director: www.closerwalkuny.com

Hope to see you there, invite a friend who has not been able to attend recently.

Glenda Schuessler

“Let us with a joyful mind praise our God forever kind,
rich with mercies that endure, ever faithful, ever sure.”
John Milton