Prayer and Praise

I am asking prayers for my brother.  He was injured sking 2 weeks ago, breaking all of his ribs on the right side.  He had been on coumidin and so there was some internal bleeding also.  He was sent home last Monday and developed breathing difficulties.  He is back at Strong Memorial in Rochester with a blood clot in one lung and one larger one in each leg. I am asking for the healing hands of God to bring him through this latest trial.  Thank you prayer warriors.

To My Family, My father passed away on Sunday afternoon in his favorite recliner and doing what he loved to do which was sleep.  I thank you for your prayers and your concern. You are all very precious to me.  I am asking for a huge favor from you, my family, at this time. It would mean so very much to me, if it is laid on your hearts, to send my father’s wife cards of love and support. I can’t imagine what she is going through right now. I know that you all love me, and I desperately need that love and support.  I ask of you for me that when the Holy Spirit lays it on your hearts to call, please call. When the Spirit moves you to visit, please let me know and I will welcome you with open arms and possibly a tear or two.