Happening Reminder

Dear Closer Walk and Koinonia Family,
This Friday night at Happening, the youth are going to be doing Operation Christmas Child. This means that we will be needing shoe boxes, (or plastic sorting boxes from the dollar store are preferred), wrapping supplies, and donations for shipping. If you would like, you could also send along small items to put in the boxes. But please, do not send anything war-related, such as toy soldiers or toy knives or guns. More information can be found on www.samaritanspurse.org/occ/. And of course, helping hands are always welcome, so please send your children who have been on a Chrysalis or Koinonia. Remember, Happening is at the Auburn First United Methodist Church, which is located at 99 South St., Auburn, NY 13021. I hope to see many new faces, and of course, many shoe boxes, supplies, and donations.
Thanks, and God Bless,
Don Rettberg III,
Chrysalis #48

Secretariet Reminder

col 3:23-24

23. Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; 24. knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.

Greetings!! Hard to believe another month has flown by…. just a reminder that secretariat meets this Friday, November 18th at 7:30 pm at Auburn First UMC located at 99 South Street Auburn, NY 13021.

Ultreya leaders will meet at 7 pm. We will have fellowship and some singing at 7:30 followed by a business meeting and of course Denny’s afterward if you wish to join us there. If it is your first time attending, all are welcome to the secretariat meeting, but only secretariat members may vote on items requiring a vote.

Hope to see you there! God Bless! Kevin Farnsworth, Lay Director Closer Walk of UNY

Prayer & Praise

My dad is in the hospital. He has pneumonia in both lungs. His Alzheimer’s is full-blown. His heart is working at 10% according to docs. Pray for the Healer to be rich in mercy as always.

Recently I asked for prayers for my friend. She had a difficult breast exam. The results have come back. After 10 years, she has breast cancer on the same side, again. She is seeing a doctor today to make some decisions about treatment. She is extremely scared.
She is also a believer. Please lift her in prayer. She says she is only asking to get through this with peace and serenity. I saw her last evening and I know she feels better knowing we will all be praying for her.

My wife was to surgeon today. Received a good report. All is healing well for her. Dr. has made an appointment to see an ear,nose & throat specialist on Thursday. She has been having a bad sore throat with pain to her ear. Surgeon believes this is unrelated but wants it checked out. We saw our friends today. she received an excellent report on her Cancer surgery. They got it all and she will be having short term radiation. We trust that this will go well. We also received word from our friend and they will be removing his tube on Thursday and Dr. says should be going home on Saturday. They are scheduling some home care fowhile he is recovering. We just Praise God for his blessings and thank you for your prayers. Please keep our son in law in prayer. He is still in hospital and having a difficult time. May the Drs. be guided for his care.

95th Post Walk Reunion

The 95th Reunion will begin at 9 AM this Saturday, November 19th at the Baldwinsville FUMC, 17 West Genesee Street, Baldwinsville, NY. West Genesee Street is also Route 370 and Route 31.

From the Thruway- Take Exit 39 off the Thruway, Go north on 690 three exits. (It is the 2nd Baldwinsville exit). Turn left on Route 370 East.  The church is on your right in about one mile.

From the North-  from Route 81, take Exit 30 from Route 81, turn right onto Route 31.  Follow 31 West for about 8 miles.  The church is just past the center of Baldwinsville on your left.

From the South- Take Route 690 West  from Route 81 in Syracuse, you will then merge into 690 north in about 7 miles, continue on past the Thruway.  The third exit past the Thruway (2nd Baldwinsville exit), turn left onto Route 370.  One mile on 370 East on your right.

Two volunteers for child care are needed.  Please let me know your interest in serving!  Call George at 315-638-8177  DeColores

Prayer & Praise

We Praise God for my wife’s Gall Bladder Surgery yesterday. All went well. Recovery took a bit longer but was home around 6PM. Thank you forn all your prayers. She said yesterday she felt them. We trust that the and pray that the recovery will be easy for her.
Please continue to keep our friend in Prayer. She had her surgery yesterday too. She is home too. Looks like there is going to be a few turns in the path on the recovery treatment for her. We continue to believe in healing for her.
Got a call from our friend. His recovery is slow. Has not heard when he will be going home. We pray for strength and comfort for him.
Am asking all the prayer warriors to keep, the son of a friend of ours, in prayer. He is a very troubled teen. He was living with his mother and stepfather until about 2 years ago when he ended up in trouble and opted to go live with his father. He is now in trouble with the law and is on probation. He is supposed to be on medication but does not take it. His mother is very worried that he will end up in jail or perhaps worse if he doesn’t straighten out. Prayers please for this troubled teen and also for his mother and the rest of his family as this is tearing them up. Thank you.
I just heard from a friend. They are in Virginia on vacation
and were in an accident. Car was hit almost head on and is now totaled
They are both fine, shaken up, with just some bruises. He has a cousin in the area that is coming after them and will take them to his house. They need to figure out a way to get home. Please pray for any physical aches, clarity of mind in dealing with insurance etc. and a way for them to get home. I will keep everyone updated when I hear more…thanks

I just spent a long time on the phone with a friend who had a questionable mammogram this week. She needs prayers for strength and for turning it over to the Lord. She does believe in His power but is having trouble letting go of control this. She had breast cancer in the past and knows what she is facing if it is back again. Please lift her in prayer. Thank you, prayer warriors.
Pastor is in need of our prayers. He has been in and out of the hospital this past month with an infection in his colon. He will be having surgery in the near future. Thanks Prayer Warriors!




“Received the call from the pulmonologist and to his surprise, the scan indicated a cancer in the upper right lung. It is very small, 1/2 inch. Was not seen on the xray, only the CT scan. Expecting an excellent prognosis. Waiting to schedule a MRI of the brain and an appt with a Thoracic surgeon.”