Happening Reminder

Dear Closer Walk and Koinonia Family,
This Friday night at Happening, the youth are going to be doing Operation Christmas Child. This means that we will be needing shoe boxes, (or plastic sorting boxes from the dollar store are preferred), wrapping supplies, and donations for shipping. If you would like, you could also send along small items to put in the boxes. But please, do not send anything war-related, such as toy soldiers or toy knives or guns. More information can be found on www.samaritanspurse.org/occ/. And of course, helping hands are always welcome, so please send your children who have been on a Chrysalis or Koinonia. Remember, Happening is at the Auburn First United Methodist Church, which is located at 99 South St., Auburn, NY 13021. I hope to see many new faces, and of course, many shoe boxes, supplies, and donations.
Thanks, and God Bless,
Don Rettberg III,
Chrysalis #48