Prayers & Praises

Dear all,

Please hold Pator and her family in your prayers as they lost everything in a house fire Friday night.  They were not harmed and their dogs were able to get out.  A lady that lives in the upstairs apartment was not at home, but her dog passed away.  This is all of the information that we know at this time, but will pass anything along as soon  as we know of anything.



A change from last update…..
The removed cyst on 2/ 24 was fully analyzed and it was determined to be Stage 3. This prompted another test – a PET scan- which is radioactive sugar water …it is introduced into the suspected area and it will  “light up” if it is positive…..there was some ‘lighting up’ in the throat area…

This prompted another biopsy  of the throat area, This was done this past Tues, 3/ 20. The initial report from pathology -that same morning- was CLEAR…..She has been home since then as she has no voice. They scraped pretty hard and probably rubbed the vocal chords pretty good too.

What is confusing is that there seems to be some doubt as to what is really there…biopsies are clear – yet the scans  and tests show ‘something cloudy/questionable’….??..??

At any rate her local team of surgeon, oncologist and radiation guru are in agreement that there should be a combination of chemo and radiation….to the tune of 33 radiation shots  @ 5 per week and  chemo 1 per week….for about 7 weeks….pretty aggressive but their logic is she is physically strong and otherwise healthy in order to handle the treatment….

We have a 2nd opinion set for Mon/ Tue- so we will shuffle off Mon AM. We meet the oncologist Mon afternoon and Radiation Doc on Tue AM. If there is concurrence on their end as to the prescribed treatment plan that is on tap by Docs- then we’ll proceed to git r dun….we’ll get back and begin the process…

She will be outfitted for a protective mask to wear during radiation and get a tube for feeding . She will likely not be able to eat solid food as her throat will be extremely sore….Voice will probably change and hair will likely fall out… all of this , she maintains a positive attitude….and I thought I was tuff..??..??

And she IS tuff- as most of you can attest to….she must be- for putting up with my schitt for 25+ years…..think good thoughts and plenty of prayers for her…..

Will report soon….standby….


Request prayers for a friend’s wife, and the whole family as she battles can-cer in the area of her vocal cords.  She is facing chemo and radiation.  To do this, she will need to be fed through a tube.  They are going for a second opinion, prior to making any firm plans.  Prayers are needed, warriors!