Prayers and Praises

Please pray for a friend. She is very sick, in the hospital with complications from diabetes. Please pray for comfort for her and her family and guidance for the doctors taking care of her.
Thank you prayer warriors.
Please add my sister to the prayer chain. She has to go in for another mammogram as they have seen something on the first one. Please pray for healing and the touch of God on her.

My s-i-l, will be going in for a mastectomy this week. Please keep her in prayer. She held out great hope that it would not come to this and is back in shell-shock mode. Please keep her daughters and husband in prayer through this as well.

update on my dad: He has not had the peg tube surgery and will not have it til Monday. His white blood cells were slightly elevated and so they want to do a ct scan of his chest to make sure he doesn’t have an infection. The discharge to Nursing Facility will probably be on Tuesday. I am still leaving tommorrow so please keep my father in prayer since he will be alone.

My friend his cousin’s 9 month old baby son, is having open heart surgery this Thursday. Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts. My cousin will see all of your support and well wishes..thank you in advance.

A prayer request for A26 year old single mom fighting leukemia . Has been fighting several weeks in hospital please pray for her, her family and the doctors treating her

What a night for prayer requests…..just found out a neighbor and good friend needs prayers as he prepares to go Home . Prayers for the family as they hold a vigil at his bedside tonight.

An update on my niece with preeclampsia the baby is doing fine but her blood pressure remains high she will be induced Monday pray all goes well

Could really use prayers right now.

Hi please pray for me I am looking for a babysitting job, I am really good with kids! I have already had three people contact me already, I am just hoping that I can get someone to hire me? Please just continue to pray for me! And I hope that everyone has a marvelous, and blessed day:)

Ok prayer warriors! And update on the young woman I had you praying about earlier this week! She is awakend from her coma and talking and holding her mothers hand. She went through a 6 hour surgery today which the doctors say went very well. She is wanting to get better which is a huge step in the right direction. Please continue praying for her! She has come so far yet has so much farther to go! Please keep a friend in your prayers as well she is having a hard time! Thank you have a blessed week and as always DECOLORES!

Well I got the results of my biopsy on my nose. Yes I have basocell (no idea how to spell) cancer. I go the 28th of January to have more removed from my nose. Maybe I won’t have as big a nose when I’m all said and done! LOL! Sorry little humor there.

My daughter, could really use alot of prayers right now! 🙁

Prayers for the young women who lost her 3 year old daughter, she was hit by a car at the babysitters. It is a tragedy and really needs the power of God to start healing. Mom is desperate, situation so ugly and sad. BUT GOD… (How we need you – now)

I appreciate all the prayers, but selfishly I ask for continued prayers. This is all work related- and while I’ve been looking for new employment (currently sitting on 4 applications since mid-October) just today two new situations have arose. I ask for patience (but not too much more patience Lord), and hopefully something comes from those 4 applications, soon!

Here it is, almost Christmas and the End of the year. As you all know this has not been the best year for my wife and I but yet we trod on. The year started with me asking God to teach me patience well he did. First a heart attack, then issues with the job, Possible bout with Cancer, Loss of a sister, Issues with my professor at college, money issues, and then my wife losing her job after 33 years of service. You look at all that and wonder why. WELL I am here to tell you all that I am Praising his name for the gifts I have enjoyed.

He has taught me the patience I have asked for two fold and continuing. I now am able to look and see the joy in each of these dark clouds that have been around and know that the blue sky is right behind.

Most of all, I have confirmed in my heart that I m arried the most special lady in the universe. I have the best family of Christian friends any man could need or ask for. I have joy in two grandchildren that constantly make me smile. I have made peace with my immediate family and found that my sister has finaly found the peace she was looking for. But most of all, I have the greatest God ever who loves me more than anything in this world.

I can’t wait to see what next year brings and I am ready!!
LOVE you all!!!

I’d appreciate prayers for the sale of our house.

Update on my dad: He should be at the Nursing Facility by 6pm.

I’d like to ask for prayers for my husbands aunt. She suffered two heart attacks and is on life support. The family now faces the tough decision of what to do. They are currently planning to stop the life support on Friday. Praying for God to hold this family tightly and boy would we take a miracle! Thank you prayer warriors…

I have a couple of prayer requests…
One is for a young woman who is struggling. She is trying to make good decisions and, partly, because of her struggles with depression and bipolar, she has made some not so good ones. She cried out for help today and has admitted herself to the hospital for help. Please keep her in your prayers.
Second one is for me. I also struggle with depression and, while the last couple of years has been tolerable, this season I find it harder and harder to keep that smile on my face. Helping that young lady today made me realize that I need my prayer warriors to pray for me, because, quite honestly, I can’t do it for myself right now.

Asking prayers for the family. The young man who was missing has been found. Their worst fears confirmed. He’s in God’s hands now and his family has a difficult journey ahead of them.
There are times when it seems like everything that can go wrong does. Daugher is still in the hospital and still “being evaluated” for the cause of the mental breakdown. Her husband need prayer too. This morning he found out his friend stole $5000 from him, the balance of the money borrowed to pay the contractor for getting his house up to code so he could move in. I am asking God for a faith changing miracle for him, that God would show his love so strong that miracle would be written all over it. Thanks for praying with me.

Could use some prayers this morning, My brother passed away during the night. It is a very bad timef has taken him into his arms and embraced him.
or his death, but he is not suffering anymore. I pray the lord
will embrace him and let him know that he is loved. I am missing him already. Love you and will see you in heaven one day.

My sisters friends husband fell yesterday in the garage and hit his head. He thought he was ok…today he is in a coma. Please add your prayers to the many that God will intervene here.
One of our congregation, has just been taken to the hospital with an illness. Please add her to your prayer chains. Thank you so much.

prayers for 86yrs old broke his hip, woman in her 30s in a coma with a brain infection, also older gentleman his kidneys are failing God is good!

Please hold the Family of a friend in your prayers. He went home to the Lord today. May the Lord bless his wife and family with peace and understanding.
Prayers for healing for a friend. She had a second surgery for carpal tunnel and is experiencing difficulties with healing and function (again). Please pray as this is her dominant hand AND she teaches 5th grade. Thank you!

Can you please ask for prayers for my son in law? He became ill with what was thought to be a respiratory issue & ended up being flown by helicopter to hospital. Had emergency open heart surgery for a ruptured aortic valve & a dissecting aorta. He made it through surgery which is a miracle in itself but the next week will be critical for him. He needs all the prayers he can get. He is only 49 years old. He & his wife got married four years ago. He is an EMT & a really great guy.

Asking urgent prayers to be offered up to God for our Emmaus/Closer Walk brother, and his wife, and family. He was being transported to the hospital again with a probable heart attack. Please surround them and the doctors with all the prayers that you Prayer Warriors can send up. God bless you all.

sister passed away…funeral arrangements pending
friend is in the emergency room dehydr/kidney
stress test

Dear Lord,

You are our Creator, sustainer, and lover of our soul. We lift up to you these matriarchs of our church and ask You to give comfort and healing to them. Bless the family of our friend as her family grieves. Be with the Family of our friends to calm their fears and give them comfort. Be with those who love them dearly and share their pain and discomfort. Thank You Lord, for their witness and for their leadership and their love for You. We trust them into Your care and believe that Thy will be done. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Please pray for a friend as he is in hospital at this time for blood clots. He will probably be in over night for treatments. Thank you

Prayers for a friends daughter and son in law. Shejust gave birth to their twins by Cesarian. The babies are between 3 and 3.5 pounds. At this time I have no info on gender, or condition of mom or babies, other than low weight and possible breathing issues. As soon as there is an update, I will pass it on.

Ask for prayers for a boy. After a presentation of our school drug assembly program, a boy came up with his teacher. He looked at me a said I want you to know that I understood every word you said. I said thank you for sharing. His eyes began to turn red as he then said ” My Dad drinks a lot and I wish he would stop! ” he then had tears coming from his eyes. As I looked at this little boy, I saw myself. In the assembly the students hear about my growing up in an alcoholic abused home. I then said well I know exactly how you feel. I want you to know that you a special and that I will be thinking of you { and to myself said praying too , have to be careful in school } I thanked him for sharing and said please take time to talk to someone like your teacher or maybe your school counselor. He shook my hand and walked away. Shortly afterwards his teacher came back and shared that they were unaware of this. Since he has shared it, they have already brought this to the attention of the school counselor. I pray that God will comfort and heal his broken heart and ask if you would lift him up in your prayers . It shows we never know what kind of impact we can have on someone. It was a Bless moment for me.

Asking for prayers for a young boy named. He has been living with a foster family and ran away today. Thank you so much!

i’m still waiting for final approval, but i will be leading a bible study at a women’s rehab, these are women who are healing from addictions and have a hunger to know Jesus. does anyone know of a good bible study series to use for new beginners?

please pray for me please

I need prayers for my sister, who is in ICU with Afib and CHF. She is very sick right now and needs to know that our Lord is putting a hedge of protection around her and giving the doctor’s the strength and guidance needed to treat her and get her through this. She is going to have to have an internal pacemaker put in as soon as they are able to get this all under control. Please everyone, pray pray pray … God is Good – all the time ? thanks so much!!!

A friend has been told that she has 6 months to live. She has an aggressive cancer that has spread to her lungs and liver. Please pray for her, her family and friends.
Some times we get lost but God will always be there to say I love you and nice to no that He is there for us. And won’t turn his back on us

Here is an update. Looks like I had a “heart incident” meaning a small angina attack. This is something I guess I will have to live with. But the biggest thing was I had an attack of fear. The Doctors at the ER were acting and telling me that this was a serious heart event and that I had to be rushed to another nearby hospital for specialist attention ASAP. I tried to call my wife but she was unreachable at the time so I posted my prayer request.
Almost immediatly I was overwhelmed with responces and prayers. Even though I was alone in the ER at the time with fear in my head I knew there were all of you praying for me. I even received a phone call in the Ambulance from a brother who prayed with me. I might still have heart issues but I know that fear can be cured by the circle of brothers and sisters that are out there. God I love you all and thank you for making a tough, scaring incident a little easier to accept. But most of all I thank our Lord for putting such a wonderful Circle of Friends in my live.
I am now home and even back to work taking it slow and thanking God.
Bless you all

Thanks everyone. My good friend did well with her surgery God answers are prayers !!!

Praise the Lord!! He has rid me of my fears and doubts!! The law guardian is putting in for only SUPERVISED visits!! Woohoo!! And by the way, I have the most awesome granddaughter ever!!!Thank you for all the prayers. I know that we aren’t really completely done with this yet, but also know the devil is NOT taking over this situation! I’m so happy, can you see me dancing and hear me singing??? lolThank you God

Good morning all…My sister just called to ask for prayers for her sons fiance. She has had a bout of severe vomiting and burning in her chest and is on her way to the hospital as I write. Please join me in prayer for her comfort, care and healing.

Dear Lord, You know everything that is going on inside of Darlene. You know the cause of her affliction and you know the cure. Please give care and skill to the ambulance crew, wisdom and discernment to the attending physicians and comfort care and watchful eyes to the nurses and attendants. Give her son, a calm spirit, and most of all, comfort her in her illness and discomfort until this sickness is over come. In Jesus name, the only name we can call on for healing and salvation, I pray. I thank You Lord, for all you are about to do for and with her. Amen.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Prayers for healing in God’s own perfect time and plan.

Dear Prayer Warriors…a bit ago I sent out a message asking for prayers for my sisters friends husband. He had fallen off a ladder and hit his head one day, seemed ok, then went into a coma the next day. Here is an update. It is always good to know how our prayers are affecting others.

Thank you so much!
He passed his swallow test yesterday!! WooHoo! So he can have food now.They took the feeding tube out of his nose-nice to be able to give him a kiss and not have to move that stupid thing! He still has to drink thickened
liquids as he had a little trouble with water consistency drinks. They said with him eating now, he will strengthen the muscles needed to drink water. He is on the 4500 unit now-was moved out of ICU on Friday. I am having ICU withdrawal. He was treated so well there. The doctor stopped in last night and said he is hoping to get him into the neuro rehab at St. Mary’s. he told me that is where he would have a family member of his go-I told him I trust his judgement-I still have him due to his judgement and God. He is still confused-he knows people, and sometimes makes sense but more not. He has gotten better with it though. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming-he still has a long way to go. but he is a tough old bird! We will come through this for sure. love ya

Please pray for my sister. She is the hospital having severe pain. Dr have ruled out blockages in her heart. Other test have come back negative but she is still having a lot of pain including back pain. Pray the doctors can find the cause and make her well

ALOT of bad things happening here right now with me and I just dont want to deal with it until after our much needed vacation in feb,,,,,lymph nodes are very very swollon and a lump in my throat now….I am feeling more and more weak by the day but still make myself get out and around to do things,,,,then on the couch i go for a while…..Very nrevous to hear what I have to do now. PLEASE PLEASE EVERYONE say a special prayer out the for me … it out be very much appreciated. Thank you for listening. I need to talk now and then rather than just deal with it myself, The worry is killing me. Spead the word of prayer for me please!!! I LOVE you all so much!!

I need prays I’ve hit rock bottom. And I full of confusion. And anger. And don’t want to sound wrong but I put my faith in God. what makes me want to snap like I haven’t in long time? I sick and upset. Not good

my Nephew left for Parris Island for the next 88 days and countng please pray for him and the other fellow recruits

I find it necessary to ask for prayers for myself. A couple months ago I had bursitis in my right hip from too much walking. On Monday I saw the doctor about pain in that leg. They found a blood clot– from too much sitting. I need prayers to find the middle ground. I know the Lord is with me for the clot–this is the third clot I have had. I need to learn to take better care of myself. Thank you in advance for the prayers and support.