Prayers and Praises

This is a prayer request. A young man was diagnosed with cancer this morning. He is a second grader where I work. I know him pretty well and am heartbroke about this. He has rhabdomyocarcoma. They started radiation this morning and told his mom that he would need treatments 40-50 weeks. His teacher is also struggling with this and broke down in front of her class today. She is an awesome teacher and we were throwing around ideas for the class to constantly be reaching out to Tristan! Thank you all in advance for the prayers for his recovery, his family, his teacher and his classmates!! They appreciate them!!

Ask for prayers for my Dad who was taken to the hospital with his heart. This morning they had to use the paddles to get his heart moving. Pray for comfort and strength for him. Pray for the medical team.
Ask for prayers for our Great Son who is scheduled for surgery Monday Nov 5th. He is 18 Mo. old. Has a build up of fluid on one testicle. They need to drain and correct the problem.
Ask for prayers for a close friend. She lives in Fl. Received call and she is scheduled for surgery on Nov 5th for cervical cancer.
Ask for prayers for one of our grand children and the family. God knows the need.
We also give praise report regarding our grand daughter. She has been in an abusive relationship for past three years. She had finally saw the light and after the last physical incident in August had him arrested. Went to court and he will be sentence to one year in county jail. She was also granted soul custody of the two children. Since that God has made a way for her to move to a new apartment. She is blessed with a wonderful landlord. She is also seeking professional counseling. To handle several issues. She is very open and honest with us. We thank God for the provisions He has made in her life. Please keep her in prayer for the road ahead is still a long one.
Keep us in prayer too. For guidance, strength and wisdom for as you can see our plate is overflowing.. We keep believing that God does not give us more than what we can handle.

My sister in law is a pediatric nurse. Today she and the dr she work for will be attending a funeral for a pt of theirs.He was a happy, healthy 5 month old Baby boy. It was sudden. It brings chills to my skin, sadness to my heart and tears to my eyes just typing this. The family, which includes two young siblings and all who know them need to be covered in prayers right now!!! These are the times that test the faith of the faithful. We need to be praying for strength,fellowship,and strengthened faith in such difficult times!!

More Miracles!
A young lady was moved out of Hospital into an acute rehab setting-she is on a strenuous regimen of physical, occupational, and speech therapy…. it’s been 4 weeks since we lifted this young lady up in prayer for the first time…

I am asking for prayers for family who is going through a difficult time now. Also asking for prayers for the local school district as they do not have enough in there budget to pay for aides for the buses and they have 1 driver and 60 kids.

So today i started off with a bad day, and then i prayed to the lord, and as the day went by it got good. Praise the lord! But please pray for me i have a doctor appt. Tomorrow, and lets just hope it goes well. Praise the lord.

I’m in need of prayer..I’ve not been myself lately and I feel like I’m lost.  Please Lord wrap me in your beautiful Grace!

In 1995 I was working at the Tavern.  In comes a man.  He tells me that a hunter was shot in the woods.  So I asked him who it was. He told me my brother.  I had to ask him again who!  He says your brother.  Well, my heart went into my throat and I ran upstairs to tell the boss that I was leaving and why.   Well, I’m standing in WalMart today when someone pipes up and says that someone was shot.  My heart went into my throat again, but I had a peace about me that I just kind of know that it wasn’t him.  You see, another brother of mine lives on that road with his family.  Talk about a freaky situation.  I called my Mom and asked her if she had seen him or my nephew today.  She proceeded to tell me that she had seen my my nephew but not brother.  My brother came to the house to prove to my parents that he was alive and fine.  AND to tell my Mom that they don’t hunt in that set of woods.  Talk about relief!   God sure was with my family today
Please Pray for the family of the hunter that did get shot and with this hunter.  That kind of news really stinks.

Heading to Rockland County with a generator for my son’s girlfriend’s family.  Asking prayers for safe travels, finding gas close enough, and safe passage there and back.  They will be without power for at least another week.  Winds ripped off the main power line to their home.  Thank you my friends.

Mission accomplished!  Generator working – check.  Belly full from lunch – check.  Time spent with family – check.  Visit to Rockland bakery – double check. Headed back north with pastries for Ultreya tomorrow night!!!

Got home about 45 minutes ago.  Hot shower and a slice of fruit tart from Rockland Bakery!  It’s been a great day filled with many blessings!  All honor and glory to my Lord and Savior as I do it for him for what He has done for me!


We Praise God and thank you for your prayers for our great granson. His surgery went well this morning and he is back home.
We trust that in a couple days he will be doing just fine.

Finally got an answer from doctors today. Herniated disk lower back. At least it is not the heart again! Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes.

I have been asked to share this on my prayer chains…
I met a woman this weekend who is in dire straights. Recently divorced, she has been out of a job for a long while (when her government contract ran out) and her unemployment benefits just ran out, as well. She came this weekend to help at our food cupboard (she lives 50 miles away) and ended up staying for church. She was so blessed by everyone and a number of us have been praying for her all weekend. I just received a call from her and she got a message today that someone received her resume and would like to talk to her about a position!!! She knows the power of prayer and has asked that we continue to pray for her and her children and that she find work soon!!!! Prayers are working and she just needs that confidence boost and to know that people love her and care about her…….thank you for your prayers!

Please pray for our son and his wife. They are going through a rough patch and are separating. They love each other but feel their differences are just too much to overcome.

My daughter is standing in line at a gas station in Brooklyn with her 5 gallon jug…fuel shipment to come this afternoon…pray for her safety and also for those waiting in lines all over the city…
Fuel shipment cancelled…continued prayers needed…


I am asking this community to be praying for a friend from work. On Thursday, he is going to court seeking shared custody of his three children ages 4-10.  In my many conversations with him, his desire is only for time as a father with his children.  It is not about money or getting even.  He is a seeker, going to Church and asking a lot of questions.  If you could lift him and his children and ex-wife in prayer at 10:00 on the 8th he would be grateful

Please keep my parents neighbor and his family in prayer. He had a massive heart attack and is not doing well. I don’t know much more than that.

I am so bummed about not being able to make it to the Reunion! I failed to block out my column in the appointment book at the salon, and I’ve been praying so hard and so long for an increase in clientele that I didn’t even think about the reunion when I was posting appointments for today! I was just so excited to have people that wanted me to do their hair! Then I realized what I had done… Soooo sad! I really wanted to see my CW98 buddies again and find out what God had been doing in their lives since the Walk! Please know that I am with you all in Spirit today, praying for all of you and rejoicing still in the wonderful gift we were given on our Walk! It all happens for a reason, folks. I have to trust in that. Love you all….
Enjoy your day!

I want to say first and foremost that God is Good! Thank you Father for everything we have, whether it be a precious child or the necessities of life.

Please friends pray for our daughter. We put her on the prayer chain during the summer. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and she was living in Hawaii because her husband was stationed there. Well he was discharged from the army and sent back to his home of record which was Idaho. My daughter is very sick with Bronchitis and double ear infection. They have no income because my son-in-law has not looked for a job. He has also not gone to the VA for there health insurance. This means she can’t afford the medicine and she won’t let me send her the money.

She also has NOT had her radiation treatments. I am very worried about her. We found out right before she left Hawaii that her cancer is very aggressive and that she should have had radiation started right after she had her last surgery. When I asked her husband why he had not taken care of anything, “he said that he was trying but was too busy with his family!” Please help me with my anger for I am very upset with him. I gave him til the end of the month to get things started or I was going to pay for her to come home which is where she wants to be anyway. I don’t know what else to do about this but pray and believe that she will be ok.

Asking for prayers for my co-workers family. His uncle is in surgery now. He has a blood clot behind his knee.

Hey guys, it’s me again. Had a follow up dr visit today to review X-rays and it appears that I might not have a herniated disk because they found a “mass” on my spine. The “C” word was not said but the doctor says I need to “prepare” for the worse. Going in for procedure on Tuesday and maybe an MRI. Please pray!!

I would ask for prayers for my husband as he is entering day 8 of working on Long Island for storm restoration . Conditions are very harsh for the utility workers and heartbreaking for those that live there . He is anticipating being there at Least another week .

Alright prayer warriors, it’s time to be like the widow with the unjust judge and Sheldon (from Big Bang Theory) knocking on a door …
We are trying to sell our house in KY (going on our 3rd year). Prayers for it to sell before winter (Dec. 21st)!!!!