
Dear Closer Walk Family,
Please pray for a family I know. They are grieving the loss of a husband/father/son who took his own life yesterday. Pray for God’s protection on their hearts and for His love to surround them as only He can comfort and bring peace to us despite our understanding…especially the wife/widow and young son, as they begin to deal with what will surely be a long journey of dismay and heartbreak. God knows this family, and you probably don’t, so it’s not necessary to include their names, but I do appreciate the luxury I have to know that I can turn to you, wonderful community of faith, knowing that you are likely already petitioning on this family’s behalf. What a blessing you are prayer warriors! Praise God for His faithfulness!
DeColores & Peace be with you!
Just got word that my cousin was using his saw and cut off 3 or 4 fingers.  As I write this, he is being transferred to hospital.  He is diabetic and on quite a few meds.  Prayers requested that the doctors will be able to save his fingers and that he survives this tramatic ordeal.  Also prayers for his wife as she drives very little and is a nervous wreck.
4th Day Ultreya Annual Gathering at the Haines,
Let’s see…July 4th. Remember last year? And the year before? And…well it’s happening again! Come join Jeff, Tina and company this year too for another good wholesome gathering starting at noon. Bring your kids, a dish to pass, lawn chairs and joyful noise makers. Haines residence is at 8087 Kirkville Road – 5 miles east of RTE 481, zip 13082.

Prayer Warriors,
Please pray for a friend who had hip replacement today. He will be in Hospital for 3 days and then transferred to facility. Please pray for healing for him and for travel mercies for his wife. I know that this is going to be a struggle for him for the patience to be away from home and not to be at home with his wife.