Prayer & Praise

Hello Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ,

I just received a phone call over the weekend from my friend, who is pregnant with twins. She has had an extremely rough pregnancy and is on permanant bed rest. If you would please put her and her husband, on the prayer chain until the twins are born it would be greatly appreciated. She has been taken into the hopsital again over the weekend with severe pre-term labor contractions which were difficult for the doctor’s to slow down and they have not yet stopped. If the twins could stay in the womb until the end of August it would be ideal for they are still extremely tiny.

Thank you in advance for praying and love to you all

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

Please pray for a friend. While at work he was backed into by a fork lift causing  broken ribs, punctured lung and a broken arm. Prayers for a speedy recovery and rapid healing, and the strength to continue with treatment. Prayers also for his surgeons,doctors and health care personal.


We ask for prayers for a friend and her husband from our church. She had to have a Mastectomy last Thursday and is now home. Not sure what treatment will be. We pray that God will bring healing, give her comfort and strength. Prayer for her family during this difficult time.
We also ask for prayers for our friend. This was a gentleman that God placed in our path a few years back. We are so proud of his come back. This month will be 5 years drug free. We were down to visit him this weekend. His family was also up from CT & DC for a family reunion. We ask for prayers for him as he is going to have major surgery on his lungs to improve his breathing. Will be going for tests next week as they prepare for a surgery date. He is scared as he shared as he has never had any kind of surgery. We trust that his surgery will go well and that God will give him the strength he needs, bringing comfort to his heart and will improve his breathing.
