Prayer & Praise

Please put my daughter on a prayer chain if you have one.  Her kidneys are calcified and that means she will always make stones, just will be a matter of time. Considering a kidney specialist, due to the fact of the calcification and the swelling that she is experiencing. May have early renal failure, but don’t have the high BP yet.   Further test to follow.  Please feel free to send this to as many people with prayer chains that you know.

Received this from a friend and asked permission to pass along.
A friend of mine has asked for prayers for her step-son who has learned he has colon cancer. He is presently being treated, and for a baby girl who is just one day old, delivered by c-section and is having difficulty breathing, swallowing and cannot cry. She is now in hospital, and may be transferred to Children’s hospital . She can breathe oxygen in, but can’t breathe out. She is a tough little thing who tried to have a temper tantrum in hospital but no sound would come out. Babies get frustrated too !!!   Thank you.

Last  Thursday a friend had a total hip surgery. On Fri was not doing well. Too many complications were following. My wife and I along with her husband were at her bedside, when she took her last breath and called home to be with Our Lord on Saturday April 30th.  We ask for prayers for her husband. The Funeral was Tuesday.We pray that God will give him the strength and comfort for each day. We know this will be difficult. They were married 40 years and very devoted to each other.
I was asked a couple years ago to do their funerals. It was an honor to share in a Celebration of her Life. I praise God for the strength and guidance he gave. Our praise and thank you to the Drs. and nurses who provided wonder care for.  We ask for prayers for my wife and I also, that  we will be guided, and strengthened to be able to help her husband during this difficult time.  We also know that his church family are very supportive.