Prayer and Praise

Received this from Helen this afternoon, please continue to hold Helen in your daily prayers. Also prayers for family as they go through this difficult time.
God Bless,
Larry Page
Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know that I got a time for my surgery:  anytime after 10 tomorrow.  Don’t have to be there until 9, which is nice.
I so appreciate all of your support.  As the surgery has gotten closer, I’ve gotten more stressed about it.  It’s fairly minor surgery (lumpectomy and probably one lymph node), but the whole situation is pretty serious….(it’s the big C word, you know), that it has started to bother me.
But I got three cards today!  Thank you so much.  That lifted my spirits.  And I know that tomorrow there will be prayers being said coast to coast!
The doctor said that I probably will spend the night in the hospital tomorrow, but everything else has gone so well that we’ll hope that I’ll be in good enough shape to come home.  I’ll probably rest better here than in the hospital.
I’ll get word out, or have Vern do it as soon as we can.  He hates the phone, though, you know.
Big hugs to you all.
God bless,