We need your help

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Fist let me say how generous many of you have been in supporting the purchase of our bus. You have sent enough money to completely cover its purchase. I am thankful for your generosity and faithfulness to this movement.

Closer Walk however is dangerously low on funds. Future weekends may not happen without your help. If each person who has made a walk could send in just $1 this problem would be eliminated.

Contact information for your tax-deductible donation is:
Closer Walk of UNY
2410 Seneca Castle Rd
Clifton Springs NY 14432

Thank you for helping insure others will enjoy a weekend too!
Cindy Jenkins
Closer Walk Lay Director

Faithful Prayer Partners Wanted

WOMENS: August 16-19, 2012, at the Emmanuel Congregational United Church of
Christ in Massena. Gail Frary is the weekend lay director! Her verse is Psalm
86:5, 5 You, Lord, are forgiving and good,abounding in love to all who call to
Remember the most important way that you can support the weekend is to bathe the
team, candidates, sponsors, kitchen crew and travelling community in prayer!!!
If you aren’t already on the permanent list, please respond to
prayervigil@closerwalkuny.com to be added to the list.
Lisa Edger
Closer Walk Prayer Vigil Team

The Bus

Ephesians 3:20 Now glory be to God!
By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.

Here is a wonderful update on the bus. It has been purchased , it has licence plates and it will be moved this week. Praise be to God and each of you who has played a part in this. You have been faithful and I thank you.

It will be an incredible day to get the bus ready for Massena. So, to all of you who are willing and able, Jeff and Tina Haines have graciously offered the 4th of July as a work on the bus day as well as a picinic. If you feel you would like to help, but that you have no skills to contribute, please help sort and throw out obsolete or damaged goods.

Thanks to all who donated generously; thanks to all who played a part in the licence; and thanks to all who will be moving it from one place to another.

Cindy Jenkins
Closer Walk UNY Lay Director

Closer Walk Need

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Closer Walk is in need of your help. Our bus has a rotten frame and cannot pass inspection. There is a bus available but due to rising costs of every thing, the funds are lacking for this type of purchase. The Men’s and Women’s walks this summer in Massena will need all the supplies that are currently on the bus, so there is some urgency in this request.

If you have been praying about being on team but have not been called, please consider donating the $75 cost for a weekend to the bus fund. If you are looking for some way to help but cannot afford that much, please consider donating funds of any amount. Please send you donation to Closer Walk Treasurer Eric Amberg 2410 Castle Road Clifton Springs, NY 14432.

Ephesians 3:20 Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.

Thank you for your continued prayers, your presence and your service,

Cindy Jenkins
Closer Walk UNY Lay Director