Hotel Accomodations for Upcoming Weekend

Here is a list of hotels/motels/inns that are nearby the host church in Horseheads.
Knights Inn Horseheads – 0.3 mi from church
2707 Westinghouse Road
Horseheads, NY
Holiday Inn Express Horseheads – 0.5 mi
2666 Corning Road
Horseheads, NY
Landmark Inn – 0.4 mi
2671 Corning Road
Horseheads, NY
Country Inn and Suites – 1.0 mi
105 East Mall Rd
Horseheads, NY
Hilton Garden Inn – 1.3 mi
35 County Road 75
Horseheads, NY
Hampton Inn – 1.4 mi
51 County Road 75
Horseheads, NY
Candlewood Suites – 1.0 mi
198 Colonial Drive
Horseheads, NY
There are more in the area, but that should be a good start. We also have some ultreya members that are opening up their homes for people that are traveling. If you are interested, please let me know and I can forward the information.
Meg/Rich Soper
Holy Expectations Ultreya

Ultreya Annoucement

Vine Life Ultreya meeting
530 gather with 6:00 Dish to Pass
Psalm 73:26 –My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart: he is mine forever.
We are behind with our agape. This meeting will be for agape making. Chickens, fun hats for Krysalis, crayons for melting and other fun agape if we have time.
I know it is the Sat. of the men’s walk in Horesheads. Unfortunately or fortunately the men’s week end and the women’s week end both fall on our Ultreya nights. Your help is needed, so we can catch up.
We will have prayer and praise, communion and lots of hard work. Bring your dish to pass, song books, scissors and work clothes.
Charlotte and George Stanton
A reminder that the Rainbow Ultreya will meet this Friday at 6:30 at the Avoca UMC. Please bring a dish to pass, table service, name tag, song book, and most of all your love for the Lord.
I do have a request for this weeks gathering…Pastor Fred and Bev Welch will both be gone at course of study, therefore, we need musicians… If you could help us out in any way it would be greatly appreciated.
Hope to see you Friday,


The Koinonia #54 Weekend will be held October 6-8 at Asbury United Methodist Church in Watertown, NY.

The first applications for candidates have arrived (3 so far :-)) We have spaces available for candidates (both guys and gals) grades 10-12/ages 15-18.

Find the application form on the Koinonia Web-site:

… or on the Closer Walk Web-site”


Please return completed forms as soon as possible so they can be processed in a timely manner and candidates can prepare to attend (AND team, kitchen, and community can prepare as well).

Lastly, please grab your calendar and mark October  7th (yes, it’s a Sunday) at 6pm for Holy Hour (at Watertown: Asbury UMC) with HOOT to follow at about 7 PM.  This is an awesome way to show God’s love and your love and support for these young people!  You don’t want to miss it.

If you have any questions or want to be more involved, please contact me at

Thank you and Fly with Christ!

Betsy Schuessler  } l {
Koinonia Registrar


We did have dog put down yesterday as she was paralyzed in 3 limbs and unable to go to bathroom. It was very difficult as we loved her so much. Gods plan and timing are perfect and I am leaning on him and His understanding. Thanks for the loving care and words.

Udate on my mother she had a bad night last night because they found out she has blood clots in her lungs so surgery is off till they can get this problem solved.We all need your prayer it was a very scary night.

Lord, be with my girls thru this awful time. I know and trust you to keep them safe and strong. I know this will make mommy stronger and bring this family together. I have asked this before , but please continue to pray for our family.

dear lord hear my prayer…please pray for my unborn great neice and her mommy & daddy… my neice has lost one child and when she got pregnet again we all were on pins and needles she made it to 30 weeks to be told today that she has lost her baby…she will have to deliver tonight…….please pray for the whole family.
thank u all

finally finished with my class! waiting to see my grade. please pray with me that if its God’s will that I begin another class now that He will provide the financial aid to kick in because I am still not getting services for my mom and I was counting on that money to pay for class. so I’m leaving it up to Jesus, and am okay either way. it may be better to take this semester off so I can get mom’s issues settled and can get my life back in sync. I have 3 days to decide. any thoughts?

Hi, if anyone is volunteering at Woman of Faith in Rochester next weekend, and needing someone to share gas/room with, I have a room reserved. Let me know ASAP, because I will be canceling the room if I don’t find someone to share expenses with. Thanks 🙂

I heard someone say that people seem to spend a lot of time asking and not enough praising. I want to praise God for the way that he used my neuropathy pain and the need to wear a jacket if there is any chance that I will be in air conditioning, to reach out to a person right where she most needed someone to relate.

I am in need of prayers for my mother who was admited to the hospital last night. They are going to do a total hip replacement just don” t know exactly when·



Asking prayers for a good friend,  and his family. His mother went home to be with our Lord. May God wrap his arms around him and his family and may they find the peace and comfort of our Lord in this time of need.

Please pray for my friend who just found out she has a rare form of breast cancer. She sees the oncologist tomorrow, and will find out her options. She has a lot of faith and a very positive outlook. Please pray for continued strength for her and pray for the doctors guiding her treatment. My prayer is Thy Will be Done.
Thank you prayer warriors.
We ask for prayers for our grandaughter and her two children. As have shared she had been in a very abusive relationship for three years. She had him arrested in late July for a phsyical assault on her. We will be in court with her on Wed Sept 12th. He will be tried on this. She has an order of protection for her and children. She does fear for her safety, especially if he is gets out. The same day the Judge will also hear her custody case for the children. We pray for favor and Blessings for her and the kids.. She has been doing so well now that he has been out of the picture. They all now come over, she keeps in touch by phone. We Praise God for the work He is doing in her life.
A friend died Sunday. He was a resident of the VA who was known for his kindness and willingness to help others. He often helped everyone with their charitable missions. Those who have a copy of his booklet of poems have a great and treasured memory of a wonderful person.
A friend suffering from cancer , is still taking chemo because of new lesions on his brain. Doctors have requested his signing his DNR. He is only 22!
Prayers requested for a friend for the healing touch Jesus. Art has leukemia. Prayers also for peace and understanding.
Thank you all for prayers lifted

I ask prayers for my sister. She has bone cancer, may the Lord come into her life with a miracle.

Prayers and Praises

Prayers of thanksgiving for our daughter.. Though there is flooding there from Hurricane Isaac, she’s just fine. Continued prayers for those not so fortunate and struggling with flooding, injury and destruction, and for relief workers.

Psalm 107:23-32 – used by her pastor a few years ago when they were threatened by Gustav and Ike.
Praise, Praise that our daughter and son-in-law in LA are safe and did not sustain too much damage (just debris in their lawn). Their town is flooded in the downtown area as are many homes of church members at. Our son-in-law and daughter are now in the process of caring for their church members and neighbors. God is so good and hears our prayers.
Thank you for your continued prayers. I saw an ear, nose and throat surgeon this week. She told me that the goiter is so big that I would have to have it out in a hospital. I was not happy as my co-pay is much less for out-patient, but the doctor was caring and thorough. I have been scheduled for another test next week and then I see the first surgeon {the one who ordered all these tests} on Sept. 21st. Again, thank you for your prayers,
Thank you for your prayers. Our daughter. She was recently up for some legal issues in court 18 years ago. She has been trying to get records. { not an easy task as so long ago } when she appeared back a few days later she had a record statement from workers comp and they paid her no money during the time in question. Judge said this is a mess. Adjourned till October and gave her legal counsel. We trust all will work out.
As for prayers for my Dad. He had a heart attack. Drs. say his heart is working only at 30%. Said to weak for any surgery. We pray for comfort and strength and our trust in Jesus. Keep both my wife and I in Prayer as we have a lot of issues to handle and our plate seems over flowing..
I am in need of prayers for my mother who was admited to the hospital last night. They are going to do a total hip replacement just don” t know exactly when.

This is a beautiful day live life to the fullest and thank God for every moment good or bad cause it’s all good now thank you God

WOW yesterday my doughter came home and brought me thats right me colorfull flowers i love them THANKYOUUU yeah for me thats a big WOW

Asking prayers for my family.Today goes to court her future is in the judges hands.God will be we us all too in this very diffucult day.If could say a prayer at 10:50 I thank you.

Please pray for my husband’s Grandfather. He had an aortic abdominal aneurysm. We are thankful he knows the Lord and that he is in God’s hands. Thank you

I can’t sleep. My poor little dog I think had a stroke tonight and she can’t stand up , left side is very weak. Say a little prayer for her. She’s a cute French bulldog. My daughter will have a very hard time with this.
Update – At the vet we found out they suspect it is a cervical disc problem. The L extremities are weak and numb and loss of position sense, R back extremity is also effected a little. She is on steroids. She needs to eat, drink and pee / poo. Poor little doggy.

I just recieved a text, cell call and home phone call from the college that I am attending onlince classes. There is an active armed shooter at the central campus at Broward College. Please pray for everyone there. Will post if I hear anymore.
Update – Was a fight between two people and one showed a gun, then took off running. No shots fired and no one was injured.

Asking prayers for my husband this morning as he has his cataract surgery on his second eye this morning. Be with him and calm his fears and be with the dr so that this surgery will come out as good or better than the first.

Also asking prayers for friends for peace in their family. Their son-in-law was involved in a motor vehicle accident yesterday in which one person was killed. The son-in-law is ok but the family is devastated. Thank you prayer warriors.
Update – eye surgery this morning went well according to the dr. Will know tomorrow just how successful it was after he reads the eye chart in the dr office. T Thank you all for your prayers – the love is being felt.

Praising God for His great providence and how He brings just the right people in our lives at just the right time. Through serving Him God gave me a new adopted daughter and grandson-to-be.

Total Joy!!! Thank you to all of the prayer warriors for praying for my daughter. She had her surgery for her Thyroid Cancer on Monday everything went very well and she came home yesterday and before she left the hospital she got her test results and she is cancer free!!!! Praise be to God!!!!
A special thanks to the Ultreya when you guys prayed over us, I could really feel the Holy Spirit and it gave me a real calm about this surgery. Thanks again to all for being obedient to our Lord and Savior.

Dear God please be with my daughter today as she has thyroid surgery, please don’t let it be cancerous
Update-  Connie came out of surgery doing great, doctor does not think it is cancerous! She can even go home later on today thank you for your prayers and one less stressful thing off my list!

For our granddaughter to be on our health insurance.

requesting prayers for guidance in a very difficult situation at this time. She knows that God has plans for her, but she needs our prayers and encouragement.