Housing for Women’s Walk #93

Hi Everyone,
Just a little note of interest for the up coming women’s weekend…
The hotel/motel situation in Geneva for the May women’s weekend is tight due to graduation at the local college.
However, the “Cheerful Valley Campground” located just off the thruway, and approximately 7 miles from the church, about a 10 minute drive has space there.  They have some cabins that sleep 5 and a travel trailer that sleeps 4, and of course lots of campsite space, from full hook-ups to tent sites.  It is a great campground, the owners are Christians and have said to make sure that when people call to mention that they are with the “Closer Walk Retreat” weekend and they will offer a deal…the cabins and trailer are 10.00 per person, per bed.  The phone number is 315-781-1222, the owners are Carl and Peg Carlson.
Hope this helps,

Carl and Lisa

Message from the Lay Director

First of all-Happy Holy Week! may you all have a blessed Easter weekend!!

I have some things I want to share with the general community, so please read on….

Second- a big thank you to everyone who supported the first Closer Walk men’s weekend! It was amazing and went very well. I was very pleased to see the number of people who showed up to support Serenade, Las Mananitas and the closing. We still have a few things to do as part of the complete transition, but the weekend went very smoothly!!

Third- we have selected our leaders for the next 2 weekends. We are trying to move the process a little further ahead so the teaming process is not so frantic. We will be selecting leaders for the spring weekends this summer. The leaders will still be formally “prayed in” at the close of the weekend before theirs. Leading Walk #94 in Elmira at PAUMC will be Gordon Jetty and Judy Burry, and leading Walk #95 will be Sue Dunlap and Eric Amberg.

We have had a lot of people turn in new team applications. Please remember however that turning in a team application DOES NOT guarantee that you will be called to be on a team. The weekend leaders are given the lists of the entire community along with team apps and pray over who they will call to be on team. It is not appropriate to “ask” to be on team. The weekend leaders will compile lists and will assemble their teams from those lists. If your name is placed upon their hearts, then they may call you. Please do not call them and ask to be team.

There was some discussion at the last secretariat meeting about the need for medical support at weekends(both Closer Walk and Koinonia weekends). Marie Morley has provided a lot of our support at recent weekends, but she obviously cannot do them all. We would like to know who has a medical background out in our community and who would be willing to be available to assist with dispensing of meds, etc. for a weekend. What we would like is to have a list available for future weekend leaders just so they know who they might be able to contact. If you have a medical background, work in the medical field and would help support a weekend, please let me know- just send an email to k429@aol.com with your contact info. Thanks!

Lastly-just a big thanks to the support of this community in general. We started a new contemporary service at our church (Amplify service on Sunday nights at 6:30 pm at Seneca Castle UMC), and out of the 60 or so people who attended the kick-off service, at least 40 were from this community…and some of them drove many miles to be there. It always amazes me how supportive you all are of not only the weekends, but of each other. Thanks again for all you do.

God Bless, Kevin Farnsworth, Lay Director Closer Walk of UNY

Prayer & Praise

Please pray for our great-nephew,  5 mo. old. He has an oncology appointment Mon. with testing for leukemia, also for his parents.  Pray for a miracle—healing even before the test.

My son lives in Nebraska.  This prayer request is from his Pastor.  The faith and strength of the parents amazes me. Please lift this child, her parents, the medical staff, those ministering to their needs…please lift them in prayer to our Divine Healer, Lord and Savior.


Dear Friends,

I know for some of you this prayer request is the second time you have received it today, but I wanted to get this out to as many as possible today, so am sending this to our weekly e-mail with many more from throughout the land on this list.

I just got off the phone with a young family discussing their three year old daughters condition. They have found cancer cells both in the bone marrow and on the liver as well as the tumor on the lung and in her neck. The Dr. has determined it is stage 4 cancer because it has spread to these other areas.

They are beginning a regiment of chemo therapy yet this afternoon (Thursday). Of course this is not the news that any parent wants to hear. The mother let me know that she understands that their daughter is on loan from God to them and they are to be stewards of this little girl while she is here on earth. When God determines to take her back home mom and dad understand that it is His choice and they have been grateful to have her for these three years.

Please, continue to uphold both for this little adorable girl and her family in your prayers my friends. I am so very grateful that we have the assurance of victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. I celebrate with you this joy that is ours which provides hope in situations like this couple and so many others are facing.

Thank you for praying for them.


If you would like to wrap-up your celebration of Holy Week on a spiritual and uplifting note, please come attend the “Amplify” worship service on Sunday night, April 24th at Seneca Castle UMC…you will be blessed!

Kairos Outside Announcement

Hi all,
This is an announcement regarding Kairos Outside Finger Lakes #15 weekend.  The dates are Friday April 29 – Sunday May 1st at Faith Community Church on Lewis Street in Geneva.

We will be doing something a little different this year in hopes of bringing more community in to show their love for our guests.  We are having a Walk Of Love on Saturday evening (replacing the Sunday morning wake up with flowers). It is at 9:15 pm.  The community will have candles and sing to the guests after they have just left a forgiveness service.

Please spread the word and plan to attend.  It’s an amazing blessing for our guest.

We can always use Angels behind the scenes.  If anyone out there has an interest in this ministry, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 585-393-1391 or rummage@frontiernet.net.

God Bless you all and hope to see many faces at the Walk of Love.

Sharleen Reidy, Advisory Council Chair and Advising Leader on KOFL #15

PS – We are in desperate need of beds, roll-a-ways or inflatables – off the floor to accommodate the guests that cannot sleep on the floor.  I am in the process of calling places, but with little luck.  Help!