Vine Life Ultreya

Vine Life Ultreya
Saturday, June 25th,
Meet: 5:30
Dish to Pass: 6:00

Peter and Carol Loveland will present a program on their latest trip to Haiti.  This should be a great evening.  The Lovelands are collecting 4 hole buttons for their kids in Haiti to make bracelets with.  They would appreciate it if you could share some of your button box buttons.

Also, Peter Loveland will be doing an agape feast with us.

Several are involved with the upcoming men’s walk on July 7th to 10th in pine City.

At our JULY 23RD meeting Ellen Wooley will be doing her talk on Obstacles to Grace.

As we have another commitment Lisa VanSickle has graciously agreed to facilitate the June 25th meetiing.  Many thanks to Lisa and Carl.

Vine Life Ultreya
Charlotte and George Stanton