
If you have updated information please contact the Ultreya Coordinator so we can get it updated. 
Chuck Wicks – cawicks64@gmail.com

Kingdom Seekers Ultreya

1st Friday at 6:30 pm
Auburn Nazarene Church – Auburn
Dish to Pass

Chuck & Brandi Wicks                 


Countryside Ultreya

3rd Saturday at 6:00 pm
Rose GMC – School St in Rose
Dish to pass followed by program

Rob and Trudy Double                                                      rcdouble2@gmail.com

4th Day Ultreya

4th Friday at 6:30 pm
Christ Community Church, Camillus
Covered dish

Ben de Rooij

Valley Seekers Ultreya

4th Sunday at 3:00 pm
First United Methodist Church Herkimer

Donna Rowley                         Rhonda Spiros
browley@twcny.rr.com          spirosc@frontiernet.net

Holy Expectations Ultreya

2nd Friday at 6:30 pm
Fresh Start Church – Pine City
Covered dish

Brandee Terry

Avoca Ultreya

2nd Friday at 6:30 pm
Avoca UMC
Dish to pass

Marge Anderson

Vine Life Ultreya

Canandaigua UMC
4th Saturday at 5:30 pm
Covered Dish
Will not meet in June, July, August, & December. 

Tom & Shelley Johnston

New Creations Ultreya

Last Thursday at 6:00 pm
Dish to pass dinner
Hannibal Methodist Church

Diane Woods & Sue Acker

On Solid Ground Ultreya

Last Monday at 6:00 pm
Newport UMC
Refreshments Served

Pastor Scott Coffin & Pastor Zandra Coffin

Connected to the Well Ultreya

Salisbusy Community Church
3rd Thursday at 6 pm

Mark and Susan Jones

Burning Bush Ultreya

Third Wednesday at 6:00 pm 
Booneville Methodist Church

Nancy Cleveland

New Light Ultreya

Third Friday at 6:00 pm 
Church of the Nazarene

Brenda Simon