Closer Walk of Upper New York Sponsor Form (to be completed by sponsor) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Candidate's Name *Sponsor's Name *Address *City *State *Zip Code *Home Phone *Cell PhoneEmail Sponsor's Church *Have you reviewed the sponsor’s guidelines? *YesNoHave you explained the reunion to your candidate? *YesNoHave you explained weekly Grouping and Ultreya to your candidate? *YesNoWill you support your candidate in the Sponsors’ Hour, Holy Hour, Serenade, Las Mananitas and Closing? *YesNoAre you prepared to support your candidate in their 4th Day Program? *YesNoRemarks about the candidate including why you are recommending him/her and if your candidate has any special medical, physical or dietary needs. *PhoneSubmit Remember – All applications are confidential and are destroyed after the weekend.